What Does a Comcheck Cost?
When you are ready to complete a Comcheck and want to know what a Comcheck costs then you have two options. You can do the Comcheck yourself or hire a Comcheck Service like www.Comcheck.net to complete the Comcheck for you.
Do It Yourself Comcheck:
There is no cost to use COMcheck software. It is a free resource provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). COMcheck is available in two versions: COMcheck-Web and COMcheck Desktop. COMcheck-Web is a web-based application that can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. COMcheck Desktop is a software program that can be downloaded and installed on a Windows computer.
Both versions of COMcheck can be used to determine whether a new commercial or high-rise residential building, addition, or alteration meets the requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and ASHRAE Standard 90.1. COMcheck can also be used to comply with several state-specific energy codes.
(Conclusion) What Does a Do It Yourself Comcheck cost?:
$0 although you should consider the amount of time you will need to invest to learn Comcheck Web and Comcheck Desktop software. If it takes you 12-24 hours to learn to use the software proficiently and generate your Comcheck then you should mulitply that by your hourly wage. If you make $20 per hour then the cost of your Do It Yourself Comcheck would be $240-$480, and may or may not be performed 100% correct.
If you lack confidence in your DIY Comcheck then you would add in another 4-8 hours of time for Comcheck corrections in the future. This would add another $80-$160 to your Comcheck Energy report costs bringing you to $320-$640 to create a Comcheck by yourself.
Then you have the alternative method to doing a Comcheck Energy Report yourself which is:
Hire a Comcheck Service to Create your Comcheck for you
A COMcheck service is a service offered by www.Comcheck.net. We specialize in energy code compliance. These services involve using COMcheck software to determine whether a building meets the requirements of the IECC or other applicable energy codes. In addition to using COMcheck, these services may also include:
Reviewing building plans and specifications
Conducting energy modeling
Preparing energy code compliance documentation
Providing consultation on energy code requirements
www.Comcheck.net COMcheck services can be a valuable resource for building owners, developers, architects, engineers, and contractors.
By using a www.Comcheck.net, you can be sure that your building is designed and constructed in compliance with applicable energy codes. This can help you avoid costly delays and rework during the construction process.
In addition to helping you comply with energy codes, www.Comcheck.net COMcheck services can also help you identify opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of your building. This can lead to lower operating costs and a reduced environmental impact.
If you are considering using a Comcheck.net you will want to know about our company’s experience qualifications, and warranty. We charge an extremely low rate and offer fast turn around so we get to work on more Comcheck reports than anyone else in the industry. This means our experience is greater than anyone elses. We offer free lifetime modifications to our Comchecks and we can already tell you that no one else in the industry stands behind their work like www.Comcheck.net. You can spend time researching other Comcheck services, but we can already tell you that no one else offers free modficiations to their Comchecks.
Here are some of the benefits of using www.Comcheck.net COMcheck service:
Ensures compliance with applicable energy codes
Helps identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency
Reduces the risk of costly delays and rework
Provides peace of mind knowing that your building is designed and constructed to meet energy code requirements
If you are unsure whether you need a COMcheck service, you can contact your local building department or energy code official. They can help you determine if your project is subject to energy code requirements and whether a COMcheck service is necessary.
(Conclusion) What Does a Comcheck Service cost?:
$149 is the cost of an average sized Comcheck report for a building that is under 3000 square feet. This will provide you with the following:
Comcheck Envelope
Comcheck Inspection Checklist
Comcheck Interior Lighting
Comcheck Exterior Lighting
Comcheck Mechanical
12-24 hour turnaround time on the full Comcheck report
Free Lifetime Modifications
As the building gets larger there is some small increases in cost. A full price list is here. However, the average Comcheck Report we see costs $149.
If you are ready to get started on a Comcheck and have now answered the question, what does a Comcheck cost? Then email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to Comcheck@Comcheck.net and we will get you taken care of.