What is A Comcheck Energy Report? (2025)

Thank you for visiting Comcheck.net. We have been asked the question, what is a Comcheck? We want to give you some simple answers to help you decide if a Comcheck Energy Audit is the right report for your project.

The first distinction we see for Comcheck Energy Reports comes in the first three letters of the work Comcheck. C O M is also the first three letters in commercial. This designation helps you differentiate from the Department of Energy’s other software for Residential construction, Rescheck. Today we will only focus on the commercial reports that are called Comcheck.

So what is a Comcheck Report? A Comcheck Report is created by the Department of Energy’s softwares either Comcheck Web or Comcheck Desktop. What the report does is take the insulation values of your ceiling, walls, windows, doors, and foundation and compares them to your climate zone. Depending on your code and building official there are other items like interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical that will go into the report. All of these items are compared against your local climate zone a simulation is ran to give you a pass or fail score. The resulting report can then be generated into a PDF that is the finished product of a Comcheck.

Comchecks are a very easy way to make sure everyone involved on your commercial construction project is on the same page in regards to what type of insulation needs to be installed, and where. It also allows the building department or building inspector to have an in depth look at your insulation plans before you break ground and begin framing which can be key if changes need to be made to your insulation envelope.

Overall, Comcheck is a fantastic software that can be used to generate a single 10-20 page document that spells out to your building official how your building will operate on an energy efficiency basis. You can use 2 softwares Comcheck Web or Comcheck Desktop depending on your code. Also if you need a Comcheck created for you we can do so at www.comcheck.net. Simply email your Comcheck order confirmation number, jobsite address, and square footage to comcheck@comcheck.net and we will get you taken care of. We appreciate you taking the time to read about what a Comcheck is on our Comcheck blog.

What is A Comcheck Energy Report?
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What is A Comcheck Energy Report?
What is A Comcheck Energy Report?
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