At we find several reasons that you might need a Comcheck Energy report on your commercial construction project and we are going to discuss those here today.
The first reason is that the code in your jurisdiction requires one. This is as cut and dry as it gets. You are building a commercial structure in an area that uses the IECC 2009, IECC 2012, or IECC 2015 (possibly even IECC 2018). The code requires the use of a Comcheck Energy Audit before you can begin construction.
The next reason would be that a particular building department official would like to see one for your project. This can be for a multitude of reasons. They may not understand your project well enough or he might just want to cover himself in the future by having a Comcheck on file with your building permit.
The final reason is that you are using a non-conventional product, material, or building supply to build the structure. Many questions from the building inspector come from seeing new products for the first time. If you are using an insulation product, window, or door that is uncommon in your area then odds are that the permitting office may want to see how it stacks up to your climate zone using a Comcheck Energy Report.
If you are in need of the Comcheck report to obtain your building permit you can email your plans to and book your order here.